
The red-cli tool supports both local and global configuration using the config.json file. You can override the global configuration with a local configuration.

For example, if you use one repository for one project and another repository for a different project, you can create a folder called .red in the first repository and inside it, create a file called config.json. This file can contain and override one or more configuration options, as shown below:


This file can contain the following JSON code:

    "project-id": 12

The value of project-id will then override the corresponding value in the global configuration.

Complete config list options

    "server": "",
    "api-key": "randomkeyfromredmine",
    "user-id": 1,
    "project-id": 23,
    "editor": "",
    "pager": "",


By default, red-cli looks for the environment variables EDITOR, GIT_EDITOR, or VISUAL to determine which text editor to use. If none of these environment variables are set, red-cli will use Notepad on Windows and Nano on other operating systems.

However, you can override the default text editor by using the following command:

red-cli config editor set vim

This command sets the text editor to Vim. You can replace “vim” with the name of any other text editor you prefer. Once you have set the text editor, red-cli will use that editor whenever you need to edit text, such as when creating or updating an issue.


By default, red-cli prints output directly to the screen. However, you can change this behavior by modifying the configuration with the following command:

red-cli config pager set less

This command sets the pager to “less”. You can replace “less” with the name of any other pager you prefer. Once you have set the pager, red-cli will use that pager whenever it needs to display a large amount of output. This can make it easier to read and navigate through long lists or issues.